Judy Grant
Boston flutist Judy Grant is the flute professor at Boston College and the founder and Artistic Director of Boston Flute Academy. She enjoys a versatile career of orchestral playing, studio work, premiere performances of newly commissioned chamber music, conducting, solo performing, teaching, coaching flute sectionals and chamber music for elite youth orchestras, adjudicating high profile competitions, and presenting masterclasses and workshops as guest artist and clinician around the globe. Sought after for her teaching expertise, her flute and piccolo students have won prizes in regional, national, and international competitions, and are often the one incoming freshman flutist chosen for admission to the world’s finest conservatories, including Juilliard, Curtis, Royal Academy of Music in London. Her former flute students are known for playing with beauty of sound and can be found as Fulbright scholars, principal players in American orchestras, and university flute professors.