Trey Davis
Choir Master
Trey Davis is the Associate Director of Choral Studies at Louisiana State University where he conducts the LSU Chorale and the LSU Tiger Glee Club and teaches courses in graduate and undergraduate conducting and literature. Active as a guest artist and vocalist, he frequently conducts All-State and festival honor choirs throughout the nation. As the recipient of the Julius Herford Dissertation Prize for outstanding research in choral music, his writing has been described as "exceptional for it its level of details, insight, contextual grasp and elegance." Dr. Davis has presented at state, regional, and national American Choral Directors Association conferences, for music educators associations throughout the nation, and for international conferences of the College Music Society. In 2020, he was selected as a featured presenter at the World Symposium on Choral Music in Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. Davis is the founder and conductor of Red Shift, the premier professional choir of Louisiana, which performed by invitation for the ACDA Southern Region Conference in Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Davis completed graduate studies in choral conducting at Texas Tech University and Westminster Choir College of Rider University and holds a degree in music education from Pepperdine University.