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All our tours provide a balanced itinerary of concerts and sightseeing; exceptional concert venues; professional concert organization and promotion; 4-star accommodations with authentic local cuisine; and dependable travel service and tour guides.
Our strong suit
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Choir directors and orchestra conductors! This is our strong suit. Tailoring tours to your group’s needs is the hallmark of our service.

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Whether you know someone performing or are a music enthusiast who wants to listen to great music in the great concert halls of Europe and beyond, we’ll make sure your role as an audience member is as meaningful as any other participant.
"Sharon and Kalin were the perfect hosts who worked tirelessly to provide all tour participants with a memorable cultural and musical experience. Helpful and knowledgeable guides, comfortable hotels and collaborative concerts with local choirs and orchestras in outstanding performance venues all contributed to a truly positive tour experience!"
Dr. Edith A. Copley
Director of Choral Studies, Northern Arizona University
Music Director, Master Chorale of Flagstaff